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2023-02-09 10:12

众所周知,如果在获得或维持阴茎勃起方面发生困难,往往预示着身体某些部位的血管功能障碍,其中就包括心脏病,当然,其他一些因素也会影响到你的勃起功能。 第一、高胆固醇 第二、吸烟(收缩阴茎血管) 第三、饮酒过量 第四、糖尿病百分之六十的男性糖尿病患者有勃起问题) 第五、某些处方药物(特别是高血压和心血管物) 第六、镇静剂和抗抑郁药 第七、放射治疗 第八、盆腔手术(膀胱和结肠) 第九、前列腺癌根治术(百分之六十的男性在前列腺癌根治术后发生阳痿) 第十、中风或神经系统疾病,包括帕金森氏病、阿尔茨海默病和多发性硬化症

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As was mentioned earlier, difficulty in getting or maintaining an erection is often a predictor of vascular problems elsewhere in the body, including heart disease. Other factors that can affect your erection include:

High cholesterol Cigarette smoking (which constricts the blood vessels leading to the penis) Excessive alcohol Diabetes (as many as 60 percent of diabetic men have erection problems at some point) Certain prescription drugs, particularly blood pressure and cardiovascular medications, plus some tranquilizers and antidepressants Radiation therapy Pelvic surgery (bladder, colon) Following radical prostate cancer surgery (60 percent of men, after all types of radical prostatectomy, have impotence) Stroke or neurological disease, including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis